Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health, now more than ever, remains crucial to monitor and care for during times of conflict and social isolation.

As the possibility for behavioral health conflicts arise, providers must ensure they have the proper tools to address these conflicts.

One such behavioral health monitoring program available in MIMI-Rx is known as PEARLS.

Read more on PEARLS below!


Definition: The Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS) is an intervention for people 60 years and older who have minor depression or dysthymia and are receiving home-based social services from community service agencies. PEARLS provide eight 50-minute sessions with a trained social service worker in the client’s home over 19 weeks.

Purpose: This program is designed to empower individuals through Problem-Solving Treatment ,Social and Physical Activation, and Pleasant Activity Scheduling to reduce depression and increase emotional well-being.

Impact: Studies focusing on the effectivess of PEARLS revealed that patients participating within the PEARLS program were more likely to have a reduction in symptoms of depression within 12 months, and even achieved complete remission from depressive symptoms, A greater health-related QOL (Quality Of Life) was reported as well.

Availability: PEARLS was first implemented in the Seattle, Washington area in the year 2000. Since 2008, more than 40 PEARLS programs have been active throughout the United States. The program has spread to 20+ states and continues to influence the behavioral health of senior Americans every day. Agencies implementing PEARLS include area Agencies On Aging, community mental health centers, senior centers, and other community-based organizations.

Billing Category: Behavioral Health Integration Services, Collaborative Care Management
BHI code:
99492 - CoCM First Month, 70 minutes per calendar month, 30 minutes
BHI code: 99493 - CoCM Subsequent Months, 60 minutes per calendar month, 26minutes
BHI code:
99494 - Add-On CoCM, Any month) (99494) Each additional 30 minutes per calendar month, 13 minutes
BHI code:
99484 - General BHI, At least 20 minutes per calendar month, 15 minutes